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Why Leaving Audit for FloQast was “…the BEST decision I’ve ever made in my life,” for this Account Executive
Understanding it’s time for change is one of the hardest — and scariest — parts of life. Looking stability in the eye and rolling the dice, hoping the grass is greener, is always a gamble, but when that gamble involves potentially jeopardizing thousands of hours studying and working toward mastering a trade, staying put seems like a much better option than moving on.
Brandon Malekie, CPA knew for quite some time that life in audit was negatively affecting him personally and professionally. But what can you do? Majoring in accounting, working in audit, studying and obtaining a CPA, and all the time spent on audit engagements leave you with few options outside of staying in audit or moving to corporate accounting.
When Brandon learned about an opportunity to take his accounting knowledge and his experience in audit and using it to sell a product, the idea was intriguing.
“I had no idea if I had what it took to be in sales. All I knew was that I wanted out of audit and working perpetual busy-season hours,” he recalled. “The hours were affecting my well-being, everyone around me noticed it, although it took me a while to come to terms with it. I was also scared about potentially burning bridges and leaving my team. But at the end of the day, I had to do what was best for me. The problem I see with folks leaving audit is their lack of transparency with their team, whether this stems from embarrassment or wanting to avoid confrontation; the key to my amicable departure was starting the conversations early with my team and letting them know how I truly felt: I wasn’t happy and wanted to do something else.”
The hours were affecting my well-being, everyone around me noticed it, although it took me a while to come to terms with it. I was also scared about potentially burning bridges and leaving my team. But at the end of the day, I had to do what was best for me.
Brandon Malekie, CPA, Account Executive at FloQast
Less than two years later, Brandon has been promoted twice — from Business Development Representative to Senior Business Development Representative to Account Executive — and has solidified himself as one of FloQast’s top sales professionals.
“Every day, I apply my accounting and auditing experience as I interact with prospects,” he said. “I’ve found that my background is extremely helpful during any sales call, because it helps break down barriers. I’m able to relate on a personal and emotional level, which builds credibility. My work ethic also has played a big role in my success at FloQast. Further, the beautiful thing about sales is that it reciprocates — unlike in audit, where when you do well, you get punished with more work. The amount of time and effort you put into sales directly equates to monetary gain, affirmation, and success.”
“I apply my accounting and auditing experience as I interact with prospects. I’ve found that my background is extremely helpful during any sales call, because it helps break down barriers. I’m able to relate on a personal and emotional level, which builds credibility.”
Brandon Malekie, CPA, Account Executive at FloQast
Reflecting on his decision to take the biggest gamble of his life and leave audit, Brandon really couldn’t get more explicit with his response.
“Joining FloQast was the BEST decision I’ve ever made in my life,” he said. “I took the leap of faith a little over a year ago and haven’t looked back. My overall well-being has improved significantly, I have more time (and money) to spend with my family and friends, and I love my job and LOVE talking about what I do. Both my mental and physical health have improved drastically. I’ve been able to pick up hobbies, go to the gym more consistently, reconnect with old friends, and be a better partner.
I feel lucky to have found a company that values me as a person, invests in my personal and professional development, and lets me leverage my accounting knowledge and CPA — which gives me peace of mind, knowing that it wasn’t all for nothing.”
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