FloQast Variance Analysis

The Story Behind the Numbers

FloQast™ Variance Analysis is a capability offered with FloQast Close for Finance and Accounting teams who need to manage business and budgetary performance through Flux and Budget variance analysis.

FloQast Variance Analysis

FloQast Variance Analysis offers a better way to perform your flux and budget variance analysis by automating the data collection and sign-off process. Integrated directly into FloQast's Close Management Software and your ERP, FloQast Variance Analysis lets accounting teams work on flux and budget variance analysis even before the Close is complete.


FloQast automatically pulls your reports, notifying you when something is material. Leave explanations in real time as you are completing your reconciliations.


Work with your team — track sign-offs and communication to deliver your variance reports on time.


Get your team out of the weeds and into analysis. Present your CFO board-ready reporting with input from the whole team.

Explore FloQast Variance Analysis

Flux Analysis

Budget Variance Analysis

Automatic Notifications

Collaborate Across Teams

Export Reports

Flux Analysis

Execute flux analysis during the Close by finalizing account balances with reconciliations, automatically create reports according to thresholds and assignments, then assessing variances from past periods to dive into the story behind the numbers. Execute this detective control with ease to gain further confidence behind your Close.

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Budget Variance Analysis

Utilize advanced features and customizable budgetary reporting to gain insight into fiscal performance. Compare your final account balances to budgetary amounts for variances in scope based on set thresholds, so your team can provide data-backed explanations to FP&A.

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Automatic Notifications

Reduce your back-and-forth by automatically notifying people when an item needs attention. FloQast flags balance sheets and income statements when materiality thresholds are hit, alerts preparers when a fluctuation needs an explanation, and logs evidence of every sign-off.

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Collaborate Across Teams

Easily see explanations, leave review notes, and see what’s outstanding. Team members can work on flux and budget variance analysis anytime, share explanations at the individual account or group levels, and use review notes to collaborate efficiently.

Download the Data Sheet

Export Reports

Easily export your flux and budget variance analysis reports to share with your CFO or anyone else needing it. FloQast Variance Analysis summarizes detailed activity into critical highlights, providing detailed information in a digestible format.

Download the Data Sheet
“FloQast completely simplified how we approached the flux. When someone is done with their account, they can go ahead and do their flux; there’s no waiting for someone else to finish.”
Eric Domagalski
Corporate Controller

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Experience the Power of Accounting Operational Excellence

Unlock more value from your FloQast Flux investment with FloQast’s suite of seamlessly integrated accounting solutions.

Reconciliation Management

Give teams the flexibility to choose the most effective reconciliation method for each account. AutoRec Matching automates the reconciliation process for bank transactions, clearing, and other accounts, saving your team signifiant time by matching thousands of transactions automatically. AutoRec Amortization sets up automatic amortization schedules for prepaid accounts.

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Accounting Operations

With FloQast Ops, you can see the status of all accounting operations from upstream workflows like Accounts Payable, to downstream workflows like SEC Reporting. This allows you greater operational control, improved workload management, and enhanced transparency across all accounting operations.

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Accelerate your time to Close with FloQast ReMind, our request management workflow solution. Automate time-consuming requests for information and tasks to deliver faster execution of workflows and increased visibility into bottlenecks during the Close.

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