Dependency Graphs With Javascript: Visualizing the Complexities

Navigating a large, unfamiliar codebase can be complex and intimidating. At FloQast, our front-end React codebase is split into several micro-frontends, each of which is still large.

Part of my job as a front-end team member is to go into these different repos and incorporate the changes/upgrades we’ve made to our component library, FQ-UI. This means having a good understanding of the dependencies and context surrounding my changes and being aware of everything else my changes could affect. This can often be pretty straightforward, as long as the changes are isolated to one or two places in the app. But what happens when a given component is found in many places throughout the app? Trying to find and keep track of every site a component is used can be tedious and frustrating if just relying on searches in your code editor.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a map that does all of the navigating for you?

Enter Dependency-Cruiser


npm install --save-dev dependency-cruiser


Let’s Start Cruising!

depcruise --include-only "^src" --output-type dot src | dot -T svg > dependencygraph.svg

a large dependency graph

This will create a graph of all files and dependencies within your src folder, and save it to the root directory as dependencygraph.svg. But unless your project is on the smaller side, this graph likely won’t even fit on your screen, let alone provide much value other than being something cool to look at. Luckily, we can use the --focus option to isolate parts of the graph that we’re specifically interested in.


depcruise --include-only "^src" --focus "SVGIcon" --output-type dot src | dot -T svg > dependencygraph.svg

SVG Icon
This will include only the files or folders that match the regular expression given to --focus and their direct neighbors. This is much more useful as we can focus on a file we’re working on, and get immediate visual feedback on everywhere the file is being imported. Another great thing about --focus is that we can add as many additional arguments as we’d like (just separate them with a vertical bar). I often use this when I want to trace a specific dependency path further.

Extra Focus Arguments

depcruise --include-only "^src" --focus "SVGIcon|ButtonV2" --output-type dot src | dot -T svg > dependencygraph.svg



depcruise --include-only "^src" --exclude "SlideOut|MutableSelectBoxV2|MutableMultiSelectBoxV2" --output-type dot src | dot -T svg > dependencygraph.svg


We can also exclude any files we don’t care to include in our dependency graph by using the --exclude option.


Interactive HTML Version

depcruise --include-only "^src" --exclude "SlideOut|MutableSelectBoxV2|MutableMultiSelectBoxV2" --output-type dot src | dot -T svg | depcruise-wrap-stream-in-html > dependencygraph.html


Using depcruise-wrap-in-html on top of the existing output improves the experience of using the graph by adding highlight on hover. We can hover over one of the nodes to highlight all of its relationships, or hover over one of the edges to highlight a single relationship.



Dependency-cruiser has been a welcome addition to our development workflow, and we’ve only just scratched the surface of the many things this tool can do here. I encourage you to check out their documentation to see how you can optimize it for your project. Happy cruising!


Jeremy Fujimoto

Jeremy is a Software Engineer at FloQast who enjoys golf, travel, and spending time with friends & family.

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