Introducing the FloQast Engineering Technical Blog

It’s been a long time coming, but with 2020 just a few weeks away, I’d like to give you a warm welcome to the FloQast Engineering Technical Blog!

Now, I’ve been asked several times: “Why an Engineering Blog? What purpose will this serve?” To me, it seems obvious — our incredibly-talented team possesses a wealth of talent that should be showcased. But I believe this space can be more than a place for our engineers to brag about the awesome work they’re doing. Let’s go over some of the top reasons why I feel this blog is important.

A Space for FloQast Engineers to Share Knowledge and Grow as Professionals.

Engineering is not simply about writing code. Technical writing is also important to share your thoughts, theories, conclusions, etc. with your peers and colleagues. By providing a space for our engineers to share the knowledge they’ve gained building our software and platform, we hope to provide a meaningful learning experience for our engineers. If you can teach it, you’ve definitely learned it.

A Space to Showcase Our Culture and Talent.

We have an incredibly talented group of people in FloQast Engineering and sharing some of the knowledge that we’ve gained over time is a great way to showcase who we are. If you want to get to know us a little bit better, this is a great aperture into what I believe is a great engineering culture full of great people. If you’re looking to join FloQast Engineering, this is a great place to start to learn what we are all about. Here, you’ll find everything from really simple tips tricks to more innovative solutions we’ve come up with to difficult problems, and everything in between.

A Way to Give Back to the Community.

It’s important to us as engineers that we give something back to the engineering community. Engineering is a very collaborative and communal group. From the open-source movement to the plethora of examples set by great companies before us in sharing their knowledge, we feel it’s our duty to give back by sharing what we’ve learned with the world.

We love feedback, so if you have any questions or comments about anything we’ve blogged about, don’t hesitate to email us at We hope you enjoy this space. 

With that, let the blogging begin!

Amit Nayar

Amit oversees all engineering efforts to develop FloQast’s world-class close management SaaS platform. With more than two decades of engineering leadership experience, Amit has led engineering teams at GoDaddy, Pearson, Quark Software and Rivet Software where he worked closely with business and product teams to deliver multiple industry leading B2B SaaS offerings. Amit holds a Bachelor’s from The Colorado College and a Master’s from the University of Denver.

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