Customer Stories

Driving Efficiency: Oregon Tool’s Transformation with FloQast

In a competitive manufacturing landscape, Oregon Tool needed to enhance their accounting operations across diverse global entities. Faced with decentralized processes, they sought a solution that could unify and streamline their operations.

FloQast has been fantastic in centralizing our accounting operations and streamlining communications.

This centralization has significantly improved efficiency and visibility, allowing Oregon Tool to effectively manage their complex financial landscape. The result is a more cohesive workflow that addresses regional discrepancies and enhances overall operational transparency.

Key Takeaways

Why FloQast:

  • Centralized accounting operations, enhancing visibility and communication.
  • Simple implementation and minimal training necessary.
  • User-friendly interface and simplicity in operations.
  • Quick implementation with minimal IT involvement.

Results Achieved:

  • Improved compliance with real-time management of control procedures.
  • Enhanced operational efficiency and visibility across global entities.
  • Reduced administrative burdens, leading to streamlined processes.
  • Empowered teams with continuous learning through FloQademy.

Why Oregon Tool Chose FloQast Over BlackLine

As Oregon Tool evaluated potential solutions, including BlackLine, FloQast was chosen for its simplicity and efficiency, offering a quick implementation with minimal IT involvement. It allowed the continued use of Excel for reconciliations and secure data storage on OneDrive, aligning perfectly with their operational needs.

“FloQast offered simplicity and efficiency that BlackLine couldn’t match. We weren’t interested in a six-month implementation and relying on outside consultants. With FloQast, we found a platform that was quick to implement — just a few weeks with minimal IT involvement — and gave us the option of continuing to use Excel for our reconciliations, which was essential for our team. Having everything stored securely on OneDrive, maintaining full control over our data without the need for extensive integrations, is huge.” 

— Mike Mansfield, CPA (Inactive)

FloQast’s straightforward implementation process and intuitive interface were pivotal in their selection, enabling a seamless transition that required minimal IT intervention. This choice ensured that Oregon Tool could maintain control over their processes without unnecessary complexity.

Results Seen Since Implementing FloQast

FloQast’s integration brought transformative results to Oregon Tool’s financial management, particularly in controlling internal processes efficiently.

“FloQast has been fantastic in centralizing our accounting operations and streamlining communications. The visibility it provides through real-time dashboards allows us to monitor progress, address roadblocks promptly, and ensure no tasks fall through the cracks. This has minimized administrative burdens and significantly improved our close process, making it more efficient and cohesive.”

— Mike Mansfield, CPA (Inactive)

The streamlined processes have reduced administrative burdens and significantly enhanced visibility, leading to improved compliance and operational efficiency across their global teams. This transformation underscores the impact of choosing the right tools for financial oversight.

Achieving Compliance Excellence with FloQast

The integration of FloQast’s Compliance Management module was a significant factor in Oregon Tool’s enhanced regulatory adherence.

“FloQast has transformed how Oregon Tool manages internal controls. By integrating  Compliance Management into our Close Management process, we ensure that control procedures are followed in real time. This seamless integration has saved us time and resources by eliminating the need for retroactive control reviews.”

— Mike Mansfield, CPA (Inactive)

This integration has minimized the need for retroactive reviews, saving time and resources while ensuring compliance is maintained seamlessly across all operations.

Empowering the Team: FloQademy: Continuous Learning and Development

Oregon Tool values continuous improvement, which makes FloQademy an essential component of their strategy. This learning portal supports professional development and keeps the team updated on new features.

“FloQademy’s timely updates ensure our team is well-prepared to leverage FloQast effectively.”

Cindy Hau, Corporate Accounting Supervisor

Ongoing education through FloQademy empowers the team to fully utilize FloQast, adapting quickly to new functionalities and maintaining a competitive edge in the accounting field.

The FloQast Impact: A Summary of Oregon Tool’s Success

Oregon Tool’s journey with FloQast illustrates the power of aligning the right technology with business needs. Through streamlined processes, enhanced compliance, and continuous learning, they have achieved significant improvements in their financial operations. For a deeper dive into their success and to uncover more insights, explore the full case study. Discover how these strategies can be applied to transform your own organization. Read the full case study to learn more.

Check out the full case study