Blog - accounting, audit

Company News
Introducing PBC, a Comedy Series Written by Accountants, for Accountants
I don’t think I’m alone when I say that two years feels like a long, long time ago.
For FloQast, a lot has happened since then:
- We raised some money
- COVID-19 happened, and we started working from home. Later, we made this hybrid policy permanent
- I wrote a book
- We announced several exciting new products
- We filled some very important positions
- We raised some more money at a very nice valuation
- We started hiring — and haven’t stopped
- We crossed the pond
- We took several important steps on our path to IPO
- And much, much more!
But I’m not thinking about two years ago because I’m feeling nostalgic. I’m thinking about January 21, 2020 because it was the unofficial start of something that has finally become a reality.
I can’t say for sure that I never imagined I’d be writing this blog about a comedy series we produced, but that’s exactly what I’m here to do today.
We produced a comedy series, and it’s pretty damn good. Today, PBC is officially live and available to help make your busy season a little less stressful (hopefully).
When we first started writing PBC — which was called SALY for some time — we weren’t really sure what would come of it. But over the better part of the last two years, the work we — John Siegel, Josh Sims, James Richman, Miranda Head, Troy Patipanavat, myself, and the dozens of former accountants and auditors who offered their feedback — did lead us to decide to go big. And big we went.
While the story itself was influenced heavily by my time in audit and industry, and while it is pretty damn entertaining, I think PBC really succeeds in saying something more about FloQast as a company. It’s easy for us to say we’re a company built “by accountants, for accountants.” That’s because it’s literally true. But PBC really illustrates that notion. We worked those long, long days (and nights) in horribly uncomfortable audit rooms. We thought of ways to mess with our auditors after we’d left that world. Now, we try our best to help make the audit process — in addition to all other day-to-day accounting processes — less painful and more efficient. But more than anything: We were there before, and we know what it was like.
At its core, PBC is who we are as a company: Funny, confident, very, very self-aware, and incredibly driven to change the accounting world. PBC isn’t the start, but it is a milestone in our goal to develop fun, educational content accountants, non-accountants, and even auditors will love.
FloQast Studios has a lot of fun projects in the works, so be sure to follow us on YouTube and Instagram.