Meet the Team

Celebrating International Cat Day 2024: Meet the FloQast Feline Family

FloQast is a hard yes on furry friends. This much is known.

But when I published our second-ever roundup highlighting the FloQast canine crew last year, I got some pushback.

“Where the cats at!?” Several people demanded.

Truth be told, Googling “International Cat Day” just didn’t occur to me. So I did, and set a reminder to remedy such a blatant omission in 2024.

Today is that day.

Thanks to the help of the #floqats Slack channel, sourcing furry friends wasn’t hard.

I’ve never felt more connected to the company than I do now.

Chris Ngo, Manager, Software Engineering, who has spent nearly five years at FloQast and received numerous accolades for his work on FloQast’s Growth & AI team, his eagerness to help, and his first-class collaboration. Some people just really like cats, I guess.

Shameless Plug: Did you know that FloQast offers employees discounted pet insurance? Now you do. Check out the FloQast Careers page to learn about what perks FloQast offers and what positions are open.

Without further ado, here are some really good kitties.

The moment Luna and Maple knew their humans would have to pay…one day.

Maple Syrup

  • Human: Adey Tadesse-Heath, VP of Human Resources
  • Age: 2 years old
  • Hometown: Murfreesboro, TN
  • Fun fact: She isn’t very smart or fast, but she is very whimsical and cute.
  • Favorite activities: Plotting the demise of the birds outside, playing with her toy strawberry, and meowing like she’s dying when she’s hungry.
  • Contributions to the FloQast team: “Moral support and keyboard sits.” Cats, man.


  • Human: Adey Tadesse-Heath, VP of Human Resources
  • Age: 2 years old
  • Hometown: Murfreesboro, TN
  • Fun fact: She is very smart, almost too smart. Not a fan of being held but looooves being pet while on the ground.
  • Favorite activities: Chasing around and play attacking Maple.
  • Contributions to the FloQast team: “None.” Alright then.


  • Human: Adey Tadesse-Heath, VP of Human Resources
  • Age: 16 weeks old
  • Hometown: Murfreesboro, TN
  • Fun fact: According to Adey, Boo is “…a bit of a ding dong, but aren’t all kittens!?” She has a high prey drive and loves to attack Luna, though she is still weary of Maple. References photo above: Yeah, I’d be a little worried about Maple, too. Boo is reportedly very needy and loves to be held all the time, and possesses the pure of a truck engine.
  • Favorite activities: Attacking Luna, being held.
  • Contributions to the FloQast team: “Assistant VP, sitting on a desk chair, attacking her mom’s mouse, running across laptop, and creating random Slack messages.” Put her on the payroll, Adey.
Plotting? Or relaxing?


  • Age: 2.5
  • Human: Shoshana Walters, Senior Customer Success manager
  • Hometown: Los Angeles (Woodland Hills)
  • Fun fact: Winston was found on his mom’s four-year FloQast anniversary, when she helped her apartment’s manager catch him. He ran out of a rain gutter, therefor he is her “gutter trash.” Harsh, man.
  • Favorite activities: Running across his dad’s head at 3am, jump scares/hide and seek, snuggling with mom, kitty gymnastics, chasing springs, yoga, watching construction out of the windows, snacking on treats, and keeping his human parents on their toes.
  • Contributions (or lack thereof) to FloQast: “Winston is reportedly an excellent work-from-home coworker, monitoring QBR’s from the background and doing the best he can, considering he’s a cat. His mom says that his favorite part of the job is watching her give product demos.” I did not write that, nor did I prompt Shoshana.
Attentive listeners

Delilah and Drama

  • Ages: 10 months
  • Human: Justin Dale, Engineering Manager
  • Hometown: Tampa, Florida
  • Fun Facts: Drama was named first by their foster mom because she wouldn’t stop meowing during their first car ride. Her siblings all got D names to match.
  • Favorite activities: Sleeping, watching birds from the porch, and chasing each other around the house at 3 am
  • Contributions (or lack thereof) to FloQast: Justin’s feline friends keep the seat warm anytime he gets up from his desk.
A v important meeting of minds

Miaowla and Jingles

  • Ages: 13 and 7
  • Human: Danielle White, Software Development Engineer in Test
  • Hometown: Milton, WA (Both adopted in Marion, OH)
  • Fun Facts: Both kitties have lived in three states.
  • Favorite Activities: “Throwing/chasing toy mice and trying to catch the red dot.” Talented cats.
  • Contributions: Miaowla reminds her hooman of dinner time so that she gets offline at the end of the workday. Jingles manages her hooman every day by sitting in the same room to watch her work.
It wasn’t me. I think…


  • Age: 2 years old
  • Human: Jacob Thomas, Software Engineer III
  • Hometown: Burbank, CA (recently moved to Columbus, OH)
  • Fun fact: The smell of tomato sauce drives her crazy, especially spaghetti-o’s. She aggressively tries to eat them, unlike any other food.
  • Favorite activities: Playing, exploring.
  • Contributions to the FloQast team: Jacob went above and beyond the call of duty for ole’ Spaghettio, highlighting how his little friend actually embodies FloQast’s ways of working.
    • Spaghettio has unwavering authenticity and clear communication of needs.
    • He has ambitious management skills, balancing work and playtime effectively.
    • He encourages growth through constructive “feedback” (keyboard walking).
    • Spaghettio brings strong collaboration skills, actively participating in team meetings.
    • Spaghettio might be illterate, but he’s has exceptional customer obsession, always ready to assist the team.
What are you looking at?

Pasqualina G

  • Age: 6 months
  • Human: Will Guardado, CPA, Software Product Manager
  • Hometown: Houston, TX
  • Fun Fact: Pasqualina has already travelled to 10 states and loves road trips.
  • Favorite Activities: “Drinking water and playing hide and seek with her parents.” Let’s get this kitty some hobbies.
  • Contribution to FloQast: “She has been known to bring a cute factor to team meetings.” I’ll be the judge of that.
An organism devoid of brain cells

The Kitty

  • Age: ?
  • Human: Me, sorta
  • Hometown: ?
  • Favorite Activities: Play fights, bird watching, chaos
  • Fun Fact: TK was semi-feral when my cousin adopted her when were living together. She’s still semi-feral now, but tolerates some humans. She had a real name, once, but now she’s just “The Kitty.”
  • Fun FactContributions to FloQast: None. The Kitty is not my cat. In fact, I have not seen The Kitty in quite some time, though I know her to be in good health. The Kitty is a menace to society. I bear scars from play fights I had no reason to partake in.