Company News

Marking a Milestone: FloQast Achieves $100M ARR

It all started with a simple, cheap whiteboard.

You couldn’t really call where we were working out of an office, because it was more of a living room, but for all intents and purposes, it was our office. Our first home, really.

When Chris, Cullen, and I finished our time at the Amplify.LA incubator, we set up shop in — I think we can say this now — a house. A house in wonderful Valley Village in the San Fernando Valley. It wasn’t big, or fancy, but it was exactly what we needed. There were only a few of us, and we were more than fine with the Spartan digs.

Next to my desk hung the whiteboard. We used it a lot, but one corner of it was written something I didn’t erase for a long time.

$100M ARR

In 2015, that was the annual recurring revenue we felt we needed to IPO. Obviously, a lot has changed then, but something about actually writing — and looking at daily — that figure felt so official. It felt real (as if starting a business, spending time in an incubator program, renting a house, and starting to hire employees wasn’t enough). Long ago, I replaced that goal with something bigger (like 10x bigger), but I will always think back to that figure, that whiteboard, and the excitement of thinking about what it would take to get to that number.

Today, I’m incredibly excited to announce that FloQast officially surpassed the $100M in ARR figure in 2023. We’ve always been confident in reaching this stage, but that doesn’t make getting here any less special. As cliche as this sounds, getting to $100M ARR is truly a group effort. This would not be possible without the individual and group contributions of every single person and team at FloQast. It’s hard to really articulate how proud — and grateful — of this team I am. 

As momentous as this occasion is, we know this is just one step in achieving our ultimate goal of going public. Still, to everyone who helped us get here: Thank you for everything you’ve done, and congratulations on this huge accomplishment. There’s a lot of work to be done, but this is a great opportunity to pause and reflect on the journey. We should all be very proud of what we’ve accomplished so far.

In celebration of this moment and of all the hard work the team has done in the last year-plus, we’re doing a little…well, celebrating. Currently, the entire FloQast team of 600+ in Las Vegas has assembled for the second-ever FloQast Go. Don’t worry, we’ll share pictures eventually 🙂.

2023 was a special year for the FloQast team. Learn more about what we were up to