
Beyond Big Four: FloQast’s First BDR on Learning Sales, Learning To Lead, and Launching FloQast EMEA

Joining FloQast back in 2015 was not at all like what Adam Zoucha had experienced in his time at Deloitte. As the company’s first business development representative, there weren’t many clearly defined responsibilities for the first-time salesperson.

And he thrived because of it.

“It was a shock to the system, the lack of structure. I remember sitting down with [the co-founders], trying to figure out our messaging. Our goal was to be the controller’s best solution, and that remained constant. We always knew our buyers and eventually fine-tuned the messaging with just a couple of tweaks.”

As the company continued to grow, Adam’s success in the BDR function led to a series of promotions: Account executive, to sales manager, to director of sales, where his natural leadership benefitted a team of up-and-coming sales professionals — many of whom started as BDRs just as he did.

“We were a small team still, so everyone was doing a lot at once,” he recalled. “As I was transitioning from a BDR to an account executive, learning how to sell and close, I was also hiring, training, and managing new BDRs. It helped create this cycle where I just started doing the job I wanted — or thought — would be doing next. After I started closing as an AE, I then started interviewing and hiring the next AEs, training those folks, and then, naturally, that just fell into sales management.”

Ultimately, Adam was tabbed as the person to lead FloQast’s expansion into EMEA. In 2021, he became Managing Director of FloQast EMEA, and today leads a team of 40+ (and growing!) FloQasters.

To learn more about Adam’s time at FloQast, be sure to tune in to the latest episode of Blood, Sweat & Balance Sheets, as Adam shares what it was like transitioning to sales at FloQast, his journey to launching FloQast EMEA, and the lessons he’s learned along the way, from empowering employees to playing to his strengths (which don’t happen to include closing the books).